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Kresta in the Afternoon – January 14, 2022 – Hour 1

Guest Host Gary Michuta and Derek Rotty look at Fulton Sheen’s tips for the new year and Steve Ray tells us what happened at Cana.

Fulton Sheen’s Advice for the New Year

The holiday festivities have died down and we’re fully into the New Year. What advice would Fulton Sheen have for us? Derek Rotty is our guest.  

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Fulton Sheen’s Advice for Beginning a New Year

Derek Rotty is a husband, father, historian, theologian, & Director of Evangelization & Discipleship at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Jackson, TN. His first book, A Life of Conversion: Meeting Christ in the Gospels, is available from Our Sunday Visitor Press. Follow his other ruminations at

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“Do Whatever He Tells You”  

This Sunday’s Gospel takes us to the Wedding Feast at Cana and Jesus’ first miracle and Mary told the servers to “Do Whatever He Tells You.” We look at what happened through the eyes of Scripture and history with Steve Ray.

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Mary and the Wedding Feast of Cana

Steve Ray leads pilgrimages to the Holy Land, Rome and other sites. He converted to Catholicism in 1994 and is the author of “Crossing the Tiber,” “Upon this Rock” and other books. He’s the host and producer of the Footprints of God DVD series and has been to the Holy Land more than 180 times. He also writes bible studies for Catholic Scripture Study International Visit and

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