Kresta in the Afternoon – February 27, 2024 – Hour 1
Will the US go bankrupt? Economist Robert Whaples weighs in. Also, Michael New reports on what happened at CPAC and Al shares a new pastoral letter from Archbishop Vigneron on gender identity.
Kresta Comments: The Good News about God’s Plan
Yesterday Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron wrote a pastoral letter to the faithful addressing questions on the challenges of Gender identity. He approaches this hot-button issue with grace, patience, and concern for all who are affected by it. Al shares parts of the letter with his own thoughts.
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The Good News About God’s Plan: A Pastoral Letter on the Challenges of Gender Identity
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Is the United States Bankrupt?
The US government’s debt has reached $34 trillion, leading to many pundits predicting that the US could default on its debt and declare bankruptcy. But would this happen? Warren Buffett has pointed out that since our debt is in its own currency, we don’t face the risks that other countries do. Economist Robert Whaples helps us sort it out.
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What happened at CPAC?
Over the weekend, Donald Trump dominated a straw poll at CPAC, then handily won the South Carolina primary in Nikki Haley’s home state. CPAC covered a range of topics, including a panel devoted to sanctity of life issues. Michael New has more.
Links for this Segment
CPAC speakers urge lawmakers to embrace life, end coerced abortions
Faith Inspires Many at CPAC, Including Numerous Catholic Speakers
CPAC panelists sound alarm amid transgender-related parental rights battles
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