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Kresta in the Afternoon – February 16, 2024 – Hour 2

Guest Host Pat Oedy-Murray and Phil Campbell discuss the Catholic concept of guilt and Brad Wilcox discusses what the data says about the social benefits of marriage.


How Colleges Have Made Themselves Useless

In a recent speech, University of Dallas President Jonathan Sanford observed that “there’s a growing perception that universities aren’t worth it anymore… There seems to be a whole lot of politics going on. Does that mean there’s not much learning going on?” With skyrocketing tuition, many parents and students are asking that same question. How did colleges get here? Auguste Meyrat joins us.

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How Colleges Have Made Themselves Useless

Auguste’s website 

The Humanities Have Sown the Seeds of Their Own Destruction

Auguste Meyrat is the Senior Editor for the Every Man Commentary. He’s an English teacher in Dallas and also writes for The Federalist, The American Thinker, and other publications. Visit

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Why You Should Get Married

On different parts of the political spectrum, marriage is seen as a “trap.” Some leftists claim that marriage and motherhood restricts a woman from reaching her true potential, while some on the right say that men are happier and better off financially if they stay single. The message is clear: leaning into work, rather than family life, is the path to prosperity. But this seductive message in our individualistic age is completely at odds with the facts. Brad Wilcox joins us.

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Why You Should Get Married

The Awfulness of Elite Hypocrisy on Marriage

Brad Wilcox is professor and director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, Future of Freedom Fellow at the Institute for Family Studies, and nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. His newest book is Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization

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Catholic Guilt is Not a Thing

Who is to blame for society’s shortcomings? A society can only be as good as the people who comprise it, but individual virtue is not always sufficient to overcome systemic failures. A just society requires a balance of personal virtue with just institutions in order for the individual and collective responsibility to coalesce into the common good. Phil Campbell joins us with more.

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Catholic Guilt is Not a Thing

Phillip Campbell is a history teacher for Homeschool Connections and the author of many books on Catholic history, most notably the Story of Civilization series from TAN Books. You can learn more about his books and classes on his website, Phillip resides in southern Michigan.

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