Kresta in the Afternoon – December 22, 2023 – Hour 1
We continue our countdown with Dr. Lawrence Feingold, who tells us what St Paul says about the Jewish people, and Al looks at Rachel Denhollander’s Christian witness after the stabbing of Larry Nassar.
#18 Kresta Comments: Rachael Denhollander’s Christian Witness
Larry Nassar, the infamous doctor who sexually abused more than 200 female gymnasts, was stabbed in federal prison in July. Upon hearing the news, most people’s immediate reaction was “good riddance, you monster.” Rachael Denhollander, the first woman to publicly accuse him of abuse, had a different reaction that reflects her deeply-held Christian faith. Al takes a closer look.
Links for this Segment
Abuse Survivor Rachael Denhollander Urges Followers Not To Rejoice Over Larry Nassar Stabbing
#17 St Paul Prophecies the Future of the Jews
In Romans 11:29, St. Paul writes that “the Gifts and Callings of God are irrevocable.” What does that mean for God’s covenant with the Jewish people and promise of the Land of Israel? Dr. Larry Feingold joins us.