Kresta in the Afternoon – December 31, 2021 – Hour 2
We approach the end of the countdown with a commentary from Al on arrogance and ignorance, and Nolan Ostrowski shares a story of healing and Solanus Casey.
2021 Kresta in the Afternoon Countdown
#6 Kresta Comments: When Ignorance becomes Arrogance
We all have areas in which we are ignorant. And ignorance can be overcome by learning. But is there a point when ignorance becomes arrogance? Al discusses.
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#5 Solanus Casey visited me in the Hospital
Nolan Ostrowski contracted COVID-19 this summer and was admitted to a hospital in Lansing, Michigan in July. As he lay in bed a few nights later, a figure appeared next to him – it appeared to be Solanus Casey. His condition soon downgraded and he was taken to another hospital for special treatment. But now, he’s doing better. He joins us to tell the story.
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A Solanus Casey miracle? Man says friar visited him in hospital
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