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Kresta in the Afternoon – December 31, 2021 – Hour 1

In this hour of the Countdown, Robby George discusses the Dobbs v Jackson case and Dr Wes Ely finds hope and healing in the ICU.

2021 Kresta in the Afternoon Countdown

#8 – Will Dobbs be Successful?

Robert George is Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University and the co-author of What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense. Visit and follow him on Twitter @McCormickProf

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#7 – How I Found Hope and Healing in the ICU  

A visit to the ICU is a sudden, harrowing experience that can alter families and leave both physical and emotional scars for years to come. Dr. Wes Ely set out to fix that problem. He takes us on a journey into the ICU to share how he found hope and healing.

Links for this segment

What You Need to Know Before You Wind Up in the ICU

What happens when a patient says, ‘Doc, help me die’

How freeing a shackled prisoner sick from COVID-19 liberated me as a physician

Follow Dr Ely on Twitter

Dr. Wes  Ely is the author of Every Deep-Drawn Breath: A Critical Care Doctor on Healing, Recovery and Transforming Medicine in the ICU. He is a sub specialist in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and conducts research as a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical center.

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