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Kresta in the Afternoon – August 23, 2023 – Hour 2

 Jess Keating celebrates the feast of St Rose of Lima.


Kresta Comments: The Difficult Doctrine of the Love (and Wrath) of God

In His deepest nature, God is Love. This can make it hard to understand the concept of Hell – eternal separation from God. Al continues his thoughts.


Rose of Lima’s Model of Sacrifice

Today we celebrate the Feast of the first saint from the Americas, St Rose of Lima. Though she only lived to be 31, she is an incredible model of following the sufferings of Christ. Jessica Keating Floyd tells her story.

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Jess Keating Floyd directs the Notre Dame Office of Life and Human Dignity in the McGrath Institute for Church Life. In her role, she leads the Institute’s research, education, and outreach efforts on the nature and dignity of the human person and contemporary threats to the sanctity of life. Her writing has appeared in popular publications such as, America Magazine, Aleteia, The Imaginative Conservative, and the Catholic Catalogue, as well as a in the volume of essays, Dante, Mercy, and the Beauty of the Human Person. Follow her on Twitter @jessfkeating
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