Kresta in the Afternoon – August 21, 2023 – Hour 1
Why is the family on the decline in Mexico? Matthew Hoffman joins us, and Daniel Guernsey shares a new initiative for forming authentic Catholic leaders.
Kresta Comments: How is Pius XII Remembered?
The 2002 film Amen explores the life of Kurt Gerstein, a Christian doctor who was a part of the Nazi party working from the inside to sabotage the Holocaust. It portrays the Vatican response to the Holocaust as timid and vague. How does history remember Pius’ response to the Holocaust? Al discusses.
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The Family is in Catastrophic Decline in Mexico
Over the past decade, the state of the Mexican family – so long its strongest institution – has entered the worst crisis of its history. Divorce rates have skyrocketed and eminent Catholic prelates have endorsed homosexual unions. Matthew Hoffman explains where it went wrong.
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Values of life and family in catastrophic decline in Mexico (Part 1)
Values of life and family in catastrophic decline in Mexico (Part 2)

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New Program Helps Form Authentic Catholic Educators
Catholic schools are, by their very nature, different from their secular counterparts. They do more and teach more and therefore require leaders that are trained to understand this difference. Ave Maria University has developed a new Masters of Education program to address this need. Dr. Daniel Guernsey has the details.
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Ave Maria Master of Education in Catholic Educational Leadership

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