Kresta in the Afternoon – August 11, 2023 – Hour 1
Was a blind girl miraculously healed at World Youth Day? Matthew Bunson has the story, and Peggy Stanton looks to this Sunday’s Gospel when Peter walks on water.
A World Youth Day Miracle?
A teenage girl from Spain says she was miraculously healed of blindness after receiving the Eucharist at World Youth Day. Matthew Bunson shares what we know, and updates us on what a new Motu Proprio means for Opus Dei.
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Miracle at Fátima? World Youth Day Pilgrim Receives Her Sight After Communion at Mass
In Naples, Pope Francis Calls for Theological Dialogue with Islam, Judaism
Is Nicaragua’s Bishop Álvarez Still Alive? A U.S. Congressman Demands Proof
Pope Francis Changes Canon Law on Opus Dei and Any Future Personal Prelatures
Hindu Nationals Demand Arrest of Catholic Priest in India for Saying King Was Not a God
Interreligious Events at World Youth Day in Lisbon Sparsely Attended but ‘Useful’
Pope Francis Appoints EWTN’s Colin Donovan to Marian Pontifical Academy
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Why did Peter Sink?
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Peter sees Jesus walking on water and steps out to greet him – and we know what happens next? Why did Peter sink? Peggy Stanton joins us.
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