Kresta in the Afternoon – August 9, 2023 – Hour 1
Fr. Patrick Briscoe gives an insight into the life of St. Dominic and we discuss Fulton Sheen’s analysis of the atomic bombings with Dr. Chris Shannon.
Lessons from St Dominic
August 8 is the Feast of St. Dominic. Unlike many of our great saints, Dominic did not leave a deposit of writings to be examined and built upon. Yet this medieval Spaniard still has much to teach us today, and we see this in the way of life he left to the Church. Fr. Patrick Briscoe joins us.
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800 Years After His Death, St. Dominic Remains a Bright Light in the Church

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Fulton Sheen – the Broken Boundaries of the Atomic Bomb
The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki on this day in 1945. In 1974 Archbishop Fulton Sheen reflected on the bombing of Hiroshima, observing that when the boundary between military and civilian targets was broken down, many other societal boundaries followed suit. Christopher Shannon joins us with more.
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