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Kresta in the Afternoon – August 13, 2021 – Hour 1

Guest Host Gary Michuta talks with Michael Lofton about his conversion to Catholicism.

Pulling Back The Veil On The Eucharist

Jerusalem was the center of the world for early Christians, and anyone who wants to understand the Bible needs to know the mysterious role of Jerusalem and the many symbols and prophecies surrounding her in the Scriptures. William Albrecht joins us to do that.

William Albrecht is the coauthor of Mary Among the Evangelists: The Definitive Guide for Solving Biblical Questions About Mary. William is co-host for Reason & Theology, as well as having guest appeared on EWTN, Virgin Most Powerful Radio, and many other networks. William runs a website dedicated to the Early Church Fathers that includes unique translations, articles, commentaries, and debates on the Fathers of the Church.

Why I Chose Catholicism Over Eastern Orthodoxy

Michael Lofton shares his testimony.

Michael’s website

Michael is a graduate of Christendom College Graduate School of Theology where he received his Master of Arts in Theological Studies (Cum Laude) in 2018. He is currently working on a doctorate in Theology with Pontifex University and is writing a dissertation on the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Michael is the founder of Reason & Theology where he has interviewed many of the leading figures in contemporary theology. He has also appeared on EWTN, Catholic Answers, SiriusXM Radio, Radio Maria and has contributed frequently to various newspapers and websites.

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