Kresta in the Afternoon – April 8, 2024 – Hour 2
Al celebrates the feast of the Annunciation and David Zahl discusses how secular substitutes for religion leave us unsatisfied.
Kresta Comments: Feast of the Annunciation
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation, which was pushed back from March 25 due to Holy Week. Fulton Sheen wrote extensively on the Feast, and Al reads from his writings today.
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Secular Substitutes for Religion Always Leave us Unsatisfied
As more Americans leave organized religion, they find themselves looking for spirituality in other places. They look to all sorts of everyday activities–from eating and parenting to dating and voting–for the identity, purpose, and meaning once provided on Sunday morning. In our striving, we are chasing a sense of enoughness. But it remains ever out of reach, and the effort and anxiety are burning us out. We talk about it with David Zahl.

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