Kresta in the Afternoon – April 5, 2024 – Hour 2
Guest Host Marcus Peter and Wes Smith discuss new developments in assisted suicide laws, and Michael Dauphinais examines what Aquinas has to say about Divine Mercy and Divine Justice.
Normalizing Assisted Suicide Will Lead to a Duty to Die
Proposed legislation in California would make assisted suicide available to patients with ‘early and mid-stage dementia,’ while dropping a required waiting period. Wes Smith joins us with more.
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Normalizing Assisted Suicide Will Lead to a Duty to Die
California Plans to Kill Terminal-Illness Requirement for Assisted Suicide

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Divine Mercy or Divine Justice?
This weekend is Divine Mercy Sunday. We believe in a God who is all-Merciful, but is also perfectly Just. Do these qualities contradict each other? Michael Dauphinais is our guest.

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