Kresta in the Afternoon – April 29, 2024 – Hour 2
Guest Host Marcus Peter discusses the anti-Israel protests on college campuses with Jay Greene and Dr. Sara Hulse Kirby looks at what Henri de Lubac has to say to Gen Z.
Anti-Israel Protests Sweep Across College Campuses
This morning Columbia University issued a warning to students in the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” warning activists that they must leave the area or face disciplinary action. Meanwhile, protestors at George Washington University broke down police barriers and changed “globalize the intifada.” We get an update on the chaos with Jay Greene.
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Why Do College Students Feel the Need to Protest?
The Poison Ivy League: How Taxpayers Subsidize Wealthy Universities

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Teaching Theology to Gen Z: Three Lessons from Henri de Lubac
Generation Z is more likely to describe themselves as not having a religion than any other American generation on record. To fill the gap previously held by religion, many are turning to astrology and neo-paganism, or binding themselves to increasingly tribal social causes that effectively become their very identities. Could we take a lesson from Henri de Lubac on reaching them? Dr. Sara Hulse Kirby joins us.
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