Kresta in the Afternoon – April 26, 2024 – Hour 1
Al discusses the meaning of a Biblical Worldview and Joe Pearce looks at the faith of Shakespeare.
Kresta Comments: What is a Biblical Worldview?
A new survey finds that just 37% of Christian pastors in the US profess a “Biblical Worldview.” What does it mean to have a Biblical worldview and why is it so essential for the Christian message? Al discusses.
Links for this segment
Study finds 37% of pastors have biblical worldview: Spiritual awakening ‘needed in our pulpits’
The Catholic Shakespeare
Today it is widely accepted that Shakespeare was raised in a devoutly Catholic family at a time when the practice of the Faith was illegal. Blessed John Henry Newman wrote that Shakespeare had “so little of a Protestant about him that Catholics have been able, without extravagance, to claim him as their own.” As this week marks the anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, death and baptism, we’ll take a look at how he expressed his faith. Joe Pearce joins us.