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Kresta in the Afternoon – April 16, 2024 – Hour 1

Mary Ann Glendon shares stories from her years of work with the Vatican and Fr. John Riccardo asks to whom we belong.


Can People Tell to whom we Belong?

When you look at the clothes people wear and the bumper stickers they put on their cars, it’s easy to see where their allegiance lies – to Nike or Adidas, the Yankees or the Red Sox, the Democrats or the Republicans, and so on. But how can people tell when our allegiance is to Christ? Al shares some thoughts and we hear from Fr John Riccardo.

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Acts XXIX Podcast 

Rescue Project 

Fr. John Riccardo is a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit and the Executive Director of ACTS XXIX.

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What I Saw as the Ambassador to the Vatican

Through her long career as a lawyer and diplomat, Mary Ann Glendon has worked closely with the Vatican under three different popes. She was a Vatican representative to a UN conference on Women under John Paul II, served as US Ambassador to the Vatican while Benedict XVI was pope, and then was named by Pope Francis as a member of the Pontifical Commission of inquiry into the Vatican bank. And the stories only begin there. She joins us.

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What if the Vatican actually goes broke?

Mary Ann Glendon is the author most recently of In the Courts of Three Popes: An American Lawyer and Diplomat in the Last Absolute Monarchy of the West. She’s Learned Hand Professor of Law emerita at Harvard University and a former U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See. In 1995, she led the Vatican delegation to the UN’s World Conference on Women in Beijing, becoming the first woman ever to lead a Vatican delegation. Her other books include Rights Talk; A Nation Under Lawyers; The Transformation of Family Law; A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and The Forum and the Tower.

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