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Kresta in the Afternoon – April 15, 2024 – Hour 1

Elvis Guitierrez shares how growing up on the streets of New York helped him come back to the faith.


Disability Requires Protection in the Womb

There are two cases before the Texas Supreme Court that demonstrate the need for clarification for abortion bans that have exceptions for fetal abnormalities or risks to the health of the mother. Disabled people are a protected class under United States law, and this protection must extend to people in the womb. Rachel Roth Aldhizer has more.

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The Curious Rise in Disability: How Changing Language Alters the Nature of Reality

The Case Against the Abortion Pill 

Disability Requires Protection in the Womb

Rachel Roth Aldhizer writes from North Carolina, where she is a disability advocate and mom to four kids, one of whom is profoundly disabled. Her work on disability policy has appeared in numerous publications, including WORLD Magazine, The American Conservative, and The Federalist.

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``If Hell is Real, I Don't Want my Friend Going There``

When Elvis Gutierrez was growing up in New York City, his father was often absent for long periods of time. He was enamored by hip-hop culture and his friends ranged everywhere from honors students to drug dealers. He joins us sharing his long journey to the faith, which included working as an EMT on 9/11 and losing a close friend to cancer.

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Return from Hell

Elvis Guiterrez is the author of Built for battle: A beginner’s guide to understanding and defending your faith. He is a youth and young adult minister who also serves as a high school theology teacher. You can follow him on Facebook.

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