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Kresta in the Afternoon – April 13, 2023 – Hour 1

We remember the brilliant Dr. Kevin Vost, who died suddenly this week. Also, Makr Movsesian looks at a WSJ poll that shows a sharp decline in American values, and Peggy Stanton looks ahead to the story of Doubting Thomas in this week’s Gospel. 


Rest in Peace, Dr. Kevin Vost

We were shocked and saddened this week to hear of the death of Dr. Kevin Vost, who passed away in a hospital on Tuesday at the age of 62. Kevin was a regular guest on Kresta in the Afternoon and other EWTN programs and was a prolific writer on many spiritual matters, including the writings of Aquinas. Another one of his books explored the idea of an authentic, virtue-based friendship. We’ll revisit that discussion.

Links for this Segment

Kevin Vost obit

In Memoriam: Kevin Vost

American Values Decline with American Community

A recent poll from the Wall Street Journal gives data to back up trends we have suspected for years. There has been a sharp decline in people who have a high regard for “Traditional American Values” such as patriotism, religion, and family. While the poll has its issues, it does illustrate a deeper shift in American society: our loss of community. We take a closer look with Mark Movsesian.

Links for this Segment

American Values Decline with American Community

Mark Movsesian is Professor of Contract Law at St John's University in New York, where he also co-directs the Center for Law and Religion. He has been a visiting professor at Notre Dame and Cardozo Law Schools and delivered papers at numerous workshops in the US and Europe. Professor Movsesian serves on the board of editors of the Journal of Law and Religion (Cambridge). He posts regularly at First Things, the Law and Religion Forum, the Library of Law and Liberty, and the Volokh Conspiracy, and co-hosts the Legal Spirits podcast series.

Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and Have Believed

In the Gospel this Sunday we hear of “Doubting” Thomas, who refused to believe in the resurrected Lord until he put his fingers into His wounds. Why would he make such an extreme statement after following Christ for three years? Peggy Stanton joins us.  

Peggy Stanton is the author of From the White House to the White Cross. She's a Dame of the Order of Malta. She was ABC News’ first female Washington correspondent. She has hosted many programs on Ave Maria Radio including the Malta Minute with the Catechism. Her first book was The Daniel Dilemma: The Moral Man in the Public Arena.
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