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Heidi and Rolland Baker ask for prayers amid increasing terrorist attacks in Mozambique

A Christian ministry operating in Mozambique has requested prayers due to increasing terrorist attacks in a number of villages in recent weeks.

Iris Global, a ministry founded in 1980 by Heidi and Rolland Baker, released a statement on June 10 saying a group of extremists have been carrying out attacks in the northern part of the country since October last year, but the attacks have “intensified in frequency and brutality” in the past few weeks.

“Each attack has involved killing and burning houses. People were beheaded in at least six villages, two of which are within two hours drive of our Pemba base. Villagers are fleeing for their lives, carrying nothing with them, and have become refugees in the bush or on offshore islands,” said the statement, which was also posted on the ministry’s Facebook page.

On Sunday, the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOPKC) asked followers to pray for the ministry after Heidi Baker made an urgent prayer request to the organization.

“We got a call from Heidi Baker late last night from Pemba, Mozambique She asked IHOPKC to pray for them urgently,” Mike Bickle of IHOPKC wrote.

“She has to move 250 students out of Pemba to Johannesburg in next few days. Roads have been closed off in Pemba. Military are trying to protect the areas but cannot get in,” he continued.

Laura Taranto, executive assistant to Heidi Baker, said in a statement to CBN News that there had been no attacks in the city of Pemba, where the ministry operates. However, several attacks have been carried out in a nearby village.

Read more at Christian Today. 

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