Feminine Genius vs. Feminist Agenda: Learn From Female Saints Like Mother Cabrini on International Women’s Day
We rarely see television shows these days where a strong, courageous man rescues a damsel in distress. Instead, the petite damsel overtakes the huge bad guy and knocks him out with one punch. Lurking behind this seemingly innocent example is the dangerous feminist agenda.
For all its proclamation about equalizing the playing ground for women, the truth is that feminism attempts to masculinize women. The feminists of the 1960s rejected the belief in innate distinctive male and female natures, since they didn’t believe in God. Without God, there are no absolute definitions or values, so human beings are left alone to determine their destinies. This stance is expressed in The Second Sex, written by the atheist Simone de Beauvoir: “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”
Ironically, feminists failed to celebrate the myriad of contributions women made to the world. Instead, they pointed to masculine endeavors as the gold standard. For example, Betty Friedan in The Feminine Mystique wrote that women couldn’t find real meaning in life unless they worked outside the home. Of course, it is true that women, married or single, who are fortunate enough to find employment that use their God-given talents are likely to lead meaningful lives. Friedan’s mistake was overgeneralizing when she described homemaking as pure drudgery and paid employment as inherently uplifting.
In the secular world, the feminist attempt to blur male-female differences has led to a masculinizing trend in the fashion world (not to mention gender-neutral clothing for children).
The advent of the birth-control pill, celebrated by feminists, further clouded the innate, God-given differences between men and women in the eyes of society. A woman on the pill could be free to engage in as many sexual encounters as she wished, since the general consensus was the pill never failed. Of course, the pill did fail, and then abortion was seen as the “back-up” method. This tragic procedure was seen as a purely physical action, and the anguish and remorse many women experienced weren’t a topic for discussion.
In the attempt to masculinize women, feminists applauded women who had multiple sexual partners: After all, if men were playboys, women should follow suit and be playgirls. No one considered the obvious fact that women are emotionally constructed by God to connect sex with love and commitment. For feminists, no commitment was needed before a sexual relationship was launched. In fact, one-night stands were seen as healthy for women, since sex was considered merely a physical release with no emotional overtones.