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Epiphany – October 10, 2023

Debbie Bloomfield invites us the Downriver Focus on Life event. Kathy Gross-Jacek talks about Blue Star Mothers and more.


Segment 1

Debbie Bloomfield invites us the Downriver Focus on Life event.













Deborah Bloomfield of Wyandotte: I’ve been an activist all my life.  My volunteer activities center on faith, pro-family and pro-life.  I’m a Catholic convert.  We are married almost 49 years.  My husband is Deacon Richard Bloomfield.  We are parishioners at Our Lady of the Scapular in Wyandotte where he is deacon.  We are parents of 6 adult married children and grandparents of 32 (the youngest should be born very soon!) I’ve been involved with Call to Holiness since it began in 1996, first with the youth conferences and now as vice president.


Segment 2

Kathy Gross-Jacek talks about Blue Star Mothers and more.

Currently adjunct professor at the University of Detroit Mercy and retired teacher of 25 years at Loyola High School in Detroit. I am the RCIA Director for St. Mary’s of Wayne, a Volunteer coach with Special Olympics Michigan, and Board Member for Blue Star Mothers of Michigan.  I have one daughter, RitaMarie, and 4 beautiful grandchildren.  I am married to David Jacek and enjoy quilting, hiking, and anything out-of-doors.

I recently was awarded the Grand Prize Winner from the Henry Ford for the Most Innovative Teacher of the Year, received the Carol McNish Award of Service from the McNish Foundation, the Ann Riley Heart of a Servant Award from Loyola High School, Amazing Catholic Educator Award 2019, League Michigan Teacher of the Year, Rare Everyday Hero Award, Coach of the Year Award for the Detroit Urban Debate League, among others.

I have received numerous grants for service and providing supportive programs at the University and High School levels and produced a film, Never Alone in Detroit depicting African American women raising young men alone in Detroit from a grant I received from the Michigan Humanities Council. I received my Bachelor’s Degree from MSU and Masters Degree from UDM. My greatest joy is doing something each day to make life better for another person.

Learn more about Blue Star Mothers here: Blue Star Moms

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