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Epiphany – May 8, 2024

Fr. John Jwad from St. Marys in Alberta talks about becoming a priest, his parish and a fundraiser. Matthew Zinser invites everyone to Catechesis for Adults and Children.


Segment 1

Fr. John Jwad from St. Mary’s in Alberta talks about becoming a priest, his parish and a fundraiser.



Fr. John Jwad was born on May 7th, 1996 in Royal Oak, Michigan. After receiving his First Holy Communion he began to serve as an altar boy at his home parish of St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church in West Bloomfield, Michigan and there he was trained to read, write, chant and fluently speak Aramaic. From the age of 12 years old onwards he served as an active reader and chanter in many liturgical functions for many parishes in the eparchy. He completed his secondary education at Brother Rice High Catholic School in the spring of 2014 and studied at local colleges for two years. During this time, he also began to host daily radio shows for different Chaldean radio stations that were serving the large Chaldean community in Metro Detroit. In 2016 he entered Sacred Heart Major Seminary for the Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle in the USA and graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy in the spring of 2019. After graduation he was asked to serve in Lebanon for one year and there he continued formation at St. John the Beloved Maronite Seminary in Harissa. Shortly after his return from Lebanon he began theological studies at St. Philip’s Seminary for the Mar Addai Chaldean Catholic Eparchy in Canada. After three years of study he graduated in the spring of 2023 with a Master’s Degree in Theology. He was ordained a transitional deacon on May 20, 2023 and after was ordained to the priesthood at Holy Family Chaldean Church in Windsor by the laying on of hands of His Excellency Bishop Robert Saeed Jarjis on November 1, 2023. His first and current assignment is to serve the Chaldean Catholic community in Calgary (Alberta, Canada) while at the same time continuing his studies at the University of Calgary.


Visit St. Mary Chaldean Catholic Church here: St. Mary Chaldean

Segment 2

Matthew Zinser invites everyone to Catechesis for Adults and Children.



Matthew Zinser is married to Stephanie, and they have six children – Matthew, Noah, Ignacio, Lucia, Emmanuel, and Gianna – and are expecting their seventh child in June. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Matthew and his family moved to Detroit, Michigan 7 years ago to join the Missio ad Gentes – a small community of missionary families, a priest, and some single women that live and make the Catholic Church present in the Chandler Park section of Detroit. In addition to the work they do in Chandler Park, the Missio ad Gentes is at the service of pastors in Michigan to assist with the task of evangelization.


For more information on St. Thomas the Apostle Church and more on the event Matthew was talking about visit: St. Thomas the Apostle Church – Ann Arbor, MI (

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