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Epiphany – May 3, 2023

Chuck Gaidica wants to encourage us to take care of the vessels/bodies that God gave us. Delone Arabo invites us to Mother of God Chaldean Church for a special presentation on the Power of the Eucharist. Jamie De Marco encourages us to attend the Spring Ring Bell Concert.


Segment 1

Chuck Gaidica wants to encourage us to take care of the vessels/bodies that God gave us.

Chuck Gaidica spent his entire professional career taking complicated scientific information and making it easy to understand. He continues on that journey as he makes the best health and wellness principals understandable. Many know Chuck from his local radio and television work in Detroit or at the national level for various networks.

Check out Chuck at: Chuck Gaidica Journey Strong

Segment 2

Delone Arabo invites us to Mother of God Chaldean Church for a special presentation on the Power of the Eucharist.

Delone Arabo is a proud husband and father of three children. He serves as a board member of ECRC. In 2010, he co-directed and co-created the Retreat Journey of Light. He directed the retreat for seven years. It served as a post Kairos retreat. He co-created Genesis 4:9 Men’s Ministry. He has led more than a dozen Kairos retreats for nearly 10 years. He led Two Foundation Retreats.  He co-created and co-directs the “Man UP” men’s weekend. Delone co-hosted a program with Fr. Pierre an Open Discussion forum about the Catholic faith. Delone wasn’t raised in a strong faith family. He was an atheist, and he shares his conversation story to share Christ with others. He shares the power of the Eucharist as he shares his journey from atheism to being a devout Catholic. He believes God wants him to share his testimony because it is about glorifying God.

Segment 3

Jamie De Marco encourages us to attend the Spring Ring Bell Concert.



Jamie coordinates the Handbell Ministry at Our Lady of Good Counsel.  She began playing handbells at age 10 and has led the ministry since 2019.  A wife and mother of two girls, she also serves the parish as Confirmation Coordinator.

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