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Epiphany – May 2, 2024

Dr. Tim Millea talks about a Harvard study. Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony talks about his book Peaceful Hearts, Zealous Hearts.


Segment 1

Dr. Tim Millea talks about a Harvard Study.


Dr. Millea serves on the Catholic Medical Association (CMA) National Board of Directors, and chairs the CMA Health Care Policy Committee.  He is co-founder and president of the St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities and is the CMA State Director for Iowa.

After graduating with a B.S. in Physical Therapy from Washington University in St. Louis, he worked several years as a physical therapist.  He then attended and graduated from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine.  His orthopedic surgery residency and spine surgery fellowship training was completed at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Springfield, Illinois.  While in practice, he provided lectures to health professions students at St. Ambrose University.  In 2018, he received an honorary doctorate degree from SAU for his service.  He retired recently after thirty years of practice in the Quad Cities.  He has been married to Beth for 45 years, and they have five children and 16 grandchildren.

Read the Harvard study article here: Harvard Health

Segment 2

Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony talks about his book “Peaceful Hearts, Zealous Hearts”.


Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony is a deacon at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. He received his B.A. in Theology from Christendom College and his M.A. in Theology from the Catholic Distance University. He also has earned his Virginia Catholic Education Teaching Certification through George Mason University and has counseling certifications through the Green Cross.

Deacon Anthony is a scholar for the Sophia Institute for Teachers as well as teaches theology at the Catholic Biblical School Virginia. He is also a prolific writer. He has written over 25 articles on the faith for numerous magazines and newspapers including Crisis, Deacon Digest, Lay Witness, Our Sunday Visitor, Ethics & Medics, Homiletics and Pastoral Review, The Catholic Stand, The Arlington Catholic Herald, and Immaculate Heart Messenger magazines. He also has been on EWTN radio on numerous occasions with guest appearances with Catholic Drive Time, Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo and the SonRise Morning Show and is the special guest on EWTN show “The Church Universal.” He is a theologian, author, apologist, who has taught the faith for over 20 years. 

The deacon is also very active in bringing the Gospel outside His Church community. He also is the Spiritual Director of A M.O.M.S Peace which helps accompany those who are experiencing miscarriages or stillbirths.   He has given workshops and Days of Reflections for many families on the topic of healing from miscarriage and has written a book on the topic called The Deacon and the Doctor:  A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss. He was one of the founding members of the Mother Of Light Center in which he helps those who are poor and going through misfortunes of life to know the love of God. This organization has delivered over 100,000 pounds of food, helps over 1200 families, as well as brought numerous people into the Church by sharing the love of God with them. Deacon Anthony also is an avid member of the Legion of Mary which brings about the reign of Christ under the mantle of Our Blessed Mother. He was the Regia President in charge of seven dioceses before ordination and now is a Spiritual Director for them. Lastly, he is a board member of the Divine Mercy Home which helps people with end of life issues to know of their dignity and defend their lives so they can be cared for with love, grace, and mercy. 

Deacon Anthony also has a great love for helping the youth. He does retreats and talks for college-aged young adults In this, he has joined the Associates of St. John Bosco which is an organization which helps kids to keep their faith while transitioning from high school to College as well as connects them to the Church and the apostolate during their college years and beyond. Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony is honored to use the many gifts that God has given him to build the Kingdom of God under the mantle of Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph.

Buy “Peaceful Hearts, Zealous Hearts” here: Hearts

Read Dcn. Gerard_Marie Anthony’s “What are My Standards: Comparing Acedia and the Divine Mercy Devotion” article here: What are My Standards: Comparing Acedia and the Divine Mercy Devotion


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