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Epiphany – March 8, 2024

Fr. Zaid Chabaan invites men to a Men’s conference. Ania Bieciuk talks about two great events at the Polish Institute. Teresa Tomeo talks about important issues.


Segment 1

Fr. Zaid Chabaan invites men to a Men’s conference.


I am 34 years old. I grew up in Southfield and moved to Sterling Heights when I was 12 years old. I began attending Mass at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica, which is my home parish as a teenager . I have wanted to be a priest since the age of 12. I graduated from high school in 2007 and from Oakland University in 2011 with a BA in History with a minor in political science. I worked for 8 years before entering the seminary as a  Manager at McDonalds, Dietary and Guest Service Department at Troy Beaumont Hospital, and a Refugee Case Worker at Samaritas, formerly Lutheran Social Services of Michigan (LSSM). I come from a Middle Eastern background which I am very proud of!  I speak Arabic fluently and my name in Arabic is pronounced like the word “paid”, but with a Z. My father is from Syria and my mom is from Iraq. I love culture, reading, traveling, coffee shops, biking, and most importantly being with people.

Register here for:  Regular Joe’s Men’s Conference




Segment 2

Ania Bieciuk talks about two great events at the Polish Institute.


Ania Bieciuk  is the Associate Director for Polonia Affairs at the Polish Institute at Orchard Lake. 

The Polish Institute of Culture & Research is a cultural institution within the Orchard Lake Schools, which was established in 1885 by Fr. Joseph Dabrowski. Originally known as the “Polish Seminary,” the Orchard Lake Schools was founded with the support of Polish immigrants, and Polonia has helped sustain the institution ever since. The Polish Institute was established with the goal to promote Polish language, culture, tradition, and history for present and future generations. The Polish Mission organizes programs, courses, and events that promote Polish and Polish American culture and accomplishments and maintains a repository for artifacts, archival materials, works of art, and publications. It also recognizes that Polish culture and Catholicism are inextricably linked.

Ania coordinates activities and programs with organizations in Poland and throughout Polonia in the United States. Ania’s extensive political, policy, and cultural background in Michigan and Poland is a tremendous asset. Her efforts assist in making the Polish Institute a center for Polonia in North America.

Prior to joining the Polish Institute, Ania served as the Vice President of the Polish American Chamber of Commerce Michigan and as the Director of Communications and Social Media at the Polish American Leadership-Political Action Committee. She also served as the Coalition Chair for “Rick Snyder for Governor” and held positions within the Executive Office of Governor.

Bieciuk attended Michigan State University, James Madison College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Comparative Cultures and Politics with a specialization in Russia and Eastern Europe. She was a 2013 Fellow of the Michigan Political Leadership Program at Michigan State University. She also has a Juris Doctorate from Western Michigan Cooley Law School.

Visit the Polish Institute here: PICR

Segment 3

Teresa Tomeo talks about important issues. 


Teresa Tomeo is a bestselling author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and speaker with more than thirty years of experience in print and broadcast media. Her weekday radio program, Catholic Connection, a co-production of Ave Maria Radio and EWTN, the global Catholic radio network, is heard daily on over 500 stations worldwide, and SiriusXM Satellite Radio.

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