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Epiphany – June 10, 2024

Pastor Sam Watters invites us to a Walk for Life event. Jeff Kassab invites us to his lecture on redemptive suffering.


Segment 1

Pastor Sam Watters invites us to a Walk for Life event.



I am a second-career pastor.   Upon retirement, after many years in leadership at a Tier One automotive supplier, I entered Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, attending both in-person and via distance learning.  Currently, I’m serving as the Associate Pastor at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Westland, Michigan, a church and early education to 8th grade school of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) where I am focused primarily in ministry to seniors and shut-ins. I am passionate that the church is called to be vocal in support of life, and a defender of the voiceless against a wayward culture that does not know Christ’s calling. Christ has called us to “speak life” in support of all stages of life.

Originally from Ontario, Canada, I immigrated to the United States in the 1990’s and am proud to be a U.S. citizen since 2005.  A proud father of three adult children, my wife, Lynda, of 21 years, and I cherish our 12 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.  We are blessed that our family includes adopted and foster grandchildren.  

Segment 2

Jeff Kassab invites us to his lecture on redemptive suffering.



Jeff is a speaker with the ECRC Speaker’s Bureau Jeff Kassab is a lifelong Catholic, sub-deacon for the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle, and ECRC board member. He’s married (31 years) with 2 children. He received his BA is Pastoral Theology in 2018 from Sacred Heart Major Seminary and just received his Master’s degree. He founded Genesis 4:9 men’s group in 2016, is involved in marriage ministry, teaches bible study, apologetics, the CCC, and faith formation. He can speak both the Latin and Eastern Catholic Rite Churches. He blogs, ‘The Journey to Heaven’.

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