Epiphany – July 13, 2023
Carrie Gress talks about her most recent article in the National Catholic Register. Kimberly Begg talks her new book “Breakable”.
Segment 1
Carrie Gress talks about her recent article in the National Catholic Register.
Carrie Gress is a Fellow at the Washington, D.C. based think-tank, Ethics and Public Policy Center and a Scholar at the Institute for Human Ecology at Catholic University of America.
She has a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America and is the editor at the online women’s magazine Theology of Home.
Carrie has written for numerous publications, including Aleteia, Catholic Vote, Catholic World Report, National Review, The Catholic Thing, The Epoch Times, The Federalist, The National Catholic Register, The Stream, and The Washington Examiner. She is a frequent guest on Ave Maria Radio, Catholic Answers, EWTN Radio, and Relevant Radio, and has appeared on Fox, BBC, CBC, EWTN and Russia Times television.
Carrie has lived and worked professionally in Washington, D.C. and Rome, Italy and her work has been translated into nine languages.
She is the author of Nudging Conversions , Ultimate Makeover, The Marian Option, and Marian Consecration for Children, The Anti-Mary Exposed, and Theology of Home. She co-authored City of Saints; A Pilgrim’s Guide to John Paul II’s Krakow with George Weigel.
Her next book, The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Destroyed Us, with Regnery is due August 2023.
Read Carrie’s commentary here:Â LGBTQ May Seem New. But It Grew From An Old Ideology
Learn more about Theology of Home here:Â Theology of Home
Segment 2
Kimberly Begg talks about her book “Unbreakable”.
Kimberly Begg is a Catholic wife and mother of five children who is trying to cooperate with God’s grace to guide her family to Heaven. An attorney with more than 20 years of experience strengthening Catholic and conservative causes, she helped found Young America’s Foundation’s Standing Up for Faith and Freedom seminar—a program for students at Catholic schools—while serving as the Foundation’s vice president and general counsel. She serves on the board of overseers of the Dominican House of Studies, the board of directors of Young America’s Foundation, the board of advisors of the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women, and the DC board of regents of Thomas Aquinas College. She is director of programs and general counsel of the Ortner Family Foundation and editor of Catholic School Playbook, an online resource for the renewal of Catholic education. Her study guide is available for Unbreakable at her website.
Buy “Unbreakable” here:Â Unbreakable: Saints Who Inspired Saints to Moral Courage