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Epiphany – February 7, 2024

Dr. Tim and Karen Hogan invites couples to World Marriage Day. Deacon Perry Clark talks about two parishes for Parish of the Week.


Segment 1

Dr. Tim and Karen Hogan invites couples to World Marriage Day.


Karen is the Director of Faith Formation and  Spiritual Director, Resurrection Parish, Canton

Tim co-authored How to Find the Help You Need, a guide to psychotherapy and spiritual direction, teach at Sacred Heart Major Seminary , and work in private practice in Plymouth, MI. I’m the former Director of the Grace Counseling Center in Detroit. I look forward to helping you and those closest to you experience transformation in your deepe

Segment 2

Deacon Perry Clark talks about two parishes for Parish of the Week.


Married 40 years to Mary, 3 grown children, ordained to Permanent Diaconate in 2016.  Assigned to St Fabian in FH, recently employed part-time as Christian Service Coordinator at Prince of Peace in WB.  Retired from secular world in 2021.

Visit St. Fabian here: St. Fabian

Visit Prince of Peace here: Prince of Peace Catholic Church

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