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Epiphany – August 17, 2023

Karam Bahnam and Haley Denha share the fruits of World Youth Day 2023. Susan Tassone wrote the first children’s book on Purgatory. 


Segment 1

Karam Bahnam and Haley Denha share the fruits of World Youth Day 2023.

Married with 4 children. Entrepreneur , BA in Philosophy and MA in Theology


I’m 23 years old. I graduated from Michigan State with my BBA in finance. I am now pursuing my second degree at Lawrence technological university for a bachelors of science in interior design.

Segment 2

Susan Tassone wrote the first children’s book on Purgatory.



Susan Tassone has long been a passionate champion for the holy souls in purgatory and is recognized as leading a worldwide “purgatory movement.” The award-winning author of thirteen best-sellers, including Jesus Speaks to Faustina and You. Day by Day with St. Faustina, St. Faustina Prayer Book for Adoration, and Day by Day for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Susan makes speaking appearances throughout the country. Over a dozen cardinals and bishops worldwide have endorsed her works. She’s a frequent and popular guest on national radio and television programs as well as social media. EWTN said: “Susan Tassone is the all-time bestselling author in the history of the network.” In 2013, she was featured in the groundbreaking documentary Purgatory: The Forgotten Church and was on the cover of Catholic Digest magazine in 2017. She also continues to work tirelessly to raise donations for Masses for the holy souls. Susan holds a master’s degree in religious education from Loyola University Chicago and had the honor and privilege of being granted two private audiences with St. John Paul II, who bestowed a special blessing on her and her ministry for the holy souls.


Learn more about Susan here: Susan Tassone

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