Lynda Rozell talks about her new book “Light of Christ: Tabernacle Art Coloring Book”. Ellen Ward invites us to the the first-ever Festival Latino de la Virgen María: Celebrating 12 Nations and Their Devotion to Our Lady. Fr. John Kopson is now a full-time faculty member at Sacred Heart Major Seminary as a Spiritual Director.
Jeannette Barbacane and Tesa Fleming, Co-founders of the Heart of Christ Spiritual Direction Program, join us to talk about the importance of discernment during this election season. Fr. Robert Spitzer comes on to talk about his new book: Christ, Science and Reason: What We Can Know about Jesus, Mary, and Miracles
Dr. Donald Wallenfang talks about the article he wrote for Unleash the Gospel and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Adalee Hude wrote a book “Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus: An Introductory Latin Missal for Children” and she talks about it. Conall Hughes and Emily Knuth invite kids to the youth camp and Damascus.
Dr. William (Rusty) Chavey invites us to the Flourish Fundraiser for Arbor Woman. Iklas Bahoura-Bashi invites everyone to Mother of God Chaldean Church tonight to learn more about beating addictions and those with mental health issues. Peggy Stanton talks about her new book “Order of Malta: Minute with the Catechism”.
Fr. Leo Joseph Xavier from the Pious Union of St. Joseph explains who they are, what they do, and Gregorian Masses. Fr. Jason Brooks share his podcast, what the Lord has put on his heart, and prays for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Teresa Tomeo talks about the way the world communicates and the ‘do’s and don’ts’.
Kathy and Paul Dobrowolski from Ann Arbor Sidewalk Advocates for Life share why they listen to Catholic radio and invite folks to the training sessions on April 29th. Steve Ray talks about recuperating from knee replacement surgery, the importance of Catholic Radio, pilgrimages, and evangelization.
Fr. Joseph Spence talks from Italy about the ‘Who is the Man in the Shroud?’ permanent exhibit at St. Thomas the Apostle in Ann Arbor. Sr. Lisa Zelfa talks about St. John the Baptist campus ministry and the mission trip to Flint. Teresa Tomeo helps us prepare during this Holy Week.
Teresa Tomeo talks about the Ave Maria Radio sponsored movie event ‘The Journey: A Music Special From Andrea Bocelli’ and she invites to another Italy pilgrimage coming up. Adam Perry is the new executive director of Livingston County Catholic Charities and he’ll talk about Salute the the Stars and more.
Eileen Craig and the Entering Canaan Brighton team walks together in prayer and fellowship with women on their journey from the emotional and spiritual pain from abortion to the freedom of God’s mercy. Iklas Bahouri Bashi exams through a Catholic perspective the rise in teen suicides that is plaguing society.
Iklas Bahoura-Bashi invites women to the Women’s Conference at ECRC this weekend. Tom Hickson from Michigan Catholic Conference updates on House Bill 4003, the hearings and a gives a call to action. Carrie Hasting reminds us of a refuge for displaced mothers and invites us to a fundraiser!
Dr. William ‘Rusty’ Chavey talks about the Mass for HealthCare Workers, dinner and a talk by Al Kresta and Fr. Peter Ryan. The deadline has been extended! Teresa Peterson returns to Epiphany to share her story struggling to get pregnant and how she wanted to write a song glorifying the Lord.
Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway invites us to a free online course ‘Journey to Conversion’. Cathy Torgerson talks about her contribution to ‘Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible’. Chuck Gaidia returns to Epiphany to talk about Journey Strong and February is heart health month.
Fr. Jim Lowe invites us to a performance by the Cass Tech choir and the Feast of St. Scholastica is coming up on Friday. Ralph Martin reflected on his early faith journey in a Renewal Ministries video. Fr. Ben Hasse and Kaleb Dorweiler from St. Albert the Great in Houghton talk about this year’s Ice Chapel.
Bishop Francis Kalabat talks about a capital campaign with Our Lady of the Field camp, thea nnual Bishops Dinner coming up, and the March for Life Bible Study at ECRC Retreat House. Fr. Steve Mateja reminds us of the soft and fierce martyrdoms’ that are happening in the world today.
Vanessa opens with a reflection on Fr. Alex Kratz’s homily and a very important video about the ramifications if Prop 3 passes. Fr. Charlie Fox talks about Prop 3. John Finley authored Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science, and Revelation takes up anew the questions “What is a man?” and “What is a woman?”
General Carol Ann Fausone talks about her 36 yrs of military service, faith, and epiphany moment. A Compilation of 5 different epiphany moments and Vanessa shares her own. Jack McGrath is the Chairman of the Board, Mother and Unborn BabyCare. His wife, Sally, joins the conversation and they share their epiphany moment.
Ralph Martin will tell us about a free course offered through the learning portal, EQUIP, at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Fr. Steve Mateja is a beloved frequent guest on Epiphany. St. Joseph Parish had an evening of conversation about Proposal 3 that was video recorded. Fr. Craig Giera is the Director of Detroit Priestly Vocations.
Fr. Timothy Vavareck authored ‘As I Have Loved You: Rediscovering Our Salvation in Christ’, and this books examines our own existence as persons and how the Covenant relationship weds us to Christ in his loving service of God and neighbor . Fr. Carter Griffin authored of ‘Forming Fathers: Seminary Wisdom for Every Priest’ and he’ll talk about this and more. Tom Nash, returns to Epiphany to talk about Halloween, spiritual warfare, and things we need to avoid. He also suggests ways kids and adults can dress up to show our faith.
Ralph Martin will tell us about a free course offered through the learning portal, EQUIP, at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Check out the Fulfillment of All Desire course. Fr. Steve Mateja is a beloved frequent guest on Epiphany. St. Joseph Parish had an evening of conversation about Proposal 3. He’ll be sharing more about what was discussed and where to watch the video. Fr. Craig Giera is the Director of Detroit Priestly Vocations. I was at Sacred Heart Major Seminary when Fr. Craig made his presentation to the board. I was really impressed and wanted to invite him back to Epiphany to talk about it.
John Hale and Teresa Tomeo will joins Vanessa to talk about next year’s Grand Hotel Getaway. It’s never too soon to talk about summer vacation destinations. Margaret Almand, has seen Jesus twice. She tells us all about it. And, she made a discovery on the grounds of her rural parish, St. Mary in Burnside.
Attorney Daniel S. Hilker helps explain the ambiguous language of Proposal 3 and he’ll remind us that this is a right vs wrong issue. Sr. Lisa Zelfa professed her final vows of the religious community, Servants of God’s Love. And she’ll share an epiphany moment. Listen to Fr. Mathias Thelan’s homily regarding Proposal 3 and Vanessa shares her reflections.
Ann Koschute is co-founder of Springs in the Desert, dedicated to offering spiritual and emotional support and accompaniment to women and couples carrying the cross of infertility. Fr. Luis Escalanti, is postulator for the cause of canonization for the Chaldean Servants of God. Beth Sri wrote a book with her husband, Edward, and she will share why they wrote the book ‘The Good, the Messy, and the Beautiful” together.
Christen Pollo will help keep the flame of truth stoked in us to talk about Prop 3 with everyone we know and encounter. John Radzilowski returns to Epiphany to tell us about the Dedication of the General Józef Haller Monument. Fr. Jim Lowe is the Pastor of St. Scholastica in Detroit.
Kathleen Wilson is the AOD’s Coordinator of Respect Life and Gospel of Life and she talks about Respect Life Month with Masses, podcasts, and she shares a message from AB Vignerson on Proposal 3. Delone Arabo is one of the speakers at ECRC and he invites all men to the Men’s Conference. Michael Chamberland shared his Adoration testimony for the I AM Here website.
Fr. Ron Richards invites everyone to Our Lady of Refuge to have a discussion about Proposal 3. Jessica Hanna stories is multi-layered and she returns to share more. Michelle Kazanjian desires to help people who struggle with unforgiveness. Unload the burden and attend a upcoming retreat.
General Carol Ann Fausone has served her country for 36 years and she talks about her life and her faith. Genevieve Marnon encourages us in this spiritual battle. Jack McGrath is the Chairman of the Board for Mother and Unborn Baby care and he talks about the aftermath of the vandalism and how they’re not stopping their ministry.