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Epiphany – April 28, 2023

Michele Hufnagel and ShaSha Kleinsorge talk about the Cancer Support & Prayer Group at Christ the King in Ann Arbor. Katie Luther and Renee Puente invite everyone to ‘Transformed’ at Church of the Holy Family in Novi.


Segment 1

Michele Hufnagel and ShaSha Kleinsorge talk about the Cancer Support & Prayer Group at Christ the King in Ann Arbor.

Michele Hufnagel: Before children, I worked at Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati Ohio. We moved to South Carolina where I worked at Charleston Naval Shipyard and Lockheed Missile and Space where I coordinated nuclear submarine refurbishment. Whereupon I had 8 children.  We had 2 valedictorians and 2 special needs children. They were the best teachers! I went to school with one of my children for 5 years to teach him how to learn. He is an engineer now. Lastly I worked at FGRHS in the special education department.  Now I am happily retired as Nana to 11 grands!

Shasha Kleinsorge lives in Ann Arbor Michigan. She is a mother of two adult sons. Shasha is a Ph.D. psychologist and works as a psychotherapist. She is a revert to the Catholic faith and a Secular Carmelite at St. John of the Cross fraternity.


To learn more about the Cancer Support & Prayer group here: Cancer Support & Prayer Group

Segment 2

Katie Luther and Renee Puente invite everyone to ‘Transformed’ at Church of the Holy Family in Novi.

Katie is the Evangelization Coordinator at Church of the Holy Family. I recently made a career shift (from the interior design world to ministry) a year ago and started working for Holy Family last spring. I am currently attending Sacred Heart Seminary and am on my way to a Masters (the MAPS degree). At Holy Family I am in charge of several programs from Alpha to an Evangelization Team to a Young Adults group. On a personal note, I am from a big Catholic family with six brothers and sisters and 16 nieces and nephews and currently live in South Lyon.

Renee has been a member of the Church of the Holy Family for over 32 years. In that time she has served as catechist, an Eucharistic Minister, led Alpha sessions, served in Christian service, and now currently helps in our Griefshare program as well as our Healing Prayer Ministry. She has been through the Encounter School of Ministry and has a true heart for our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament making weekly holy hours.

Visit the Church of the Holy Family: Church of the Holy Family

I Once Read by Karam Bahnam EP#13

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