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Epiphany -July 9, 2022

‘To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb/ be blessing and honor, glory and might/ forever and ever’ Rv 5:13

Christine Pollo talks about the importance of understanding a misleading ballot initiative and encourage us to support Michigan women and children. Fr. Frank Pavone helps us to navigate through all the backlash resulting from the overturning of Roe v Wade and will invite us to the webcast Life Beyond Roe. Gemma & Joe Falvey join Epiphany for the first time to share why they, and Gemma especially, love Eucharistic Adoration.

Christen Pollo

Christen is the spokesperson for Citizens to Support Michigan Women & Children, an effort to defeat the anything-goes abortion amendment being promoted by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. Christen hopes every Michigander sees the extremism in this abortion amendment and heeds her advice to reject it.

Fr. Frank Pavone

Fr. Frank Pavone is one of the most prominent pro-life leaders in the world. Originally from New York, he was ordained in 1988 by Cardinal John O’Connor. In 1993 he became National Director of Priests for Life. He is also the President of the National Pro-life Religious Council, and the National Pastoral Director of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and of Rachel’s Vineyard, the world’s largest ministry of healing after abortion.

Gemma & Joe Falvey

Joe and Gemma have married 43 years. They have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. Joe is originally from upstate New York. Gemma is originally from the Boston Mass area. They both work and live in Michigan.

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