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Epiphany -April 24, 2022

‘I do believe, help my unbelief!’ Mk 9:24

Sarah Izzo is a loving and devout Catholic and she shares her story of being faithful, how God worked in her life, and how to live in the Lord’s presence. Dr. Gerry Crete talks about the Litany of the Heart and more shares more litanies. Dr. Henry Russell and his daughter Francesca invite all our listeners to a special performance of A Midsummer’s Night Dream.

Sarah Izzo

Office Manager, St. John the Baptist, Ypsilanti

Human, Critical Thinker, Catholic, Constitutional American, Champion of Biological Truth, Pro Masculinity/Femininity, Pro Family, and Pro Self-Reliance.

Dr. Gerry Crete, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of Souls and Hearts.

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist and professional counselor in private practice. My practice, Transfiguration Counseling, is based in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to marriage counseling, I specialize in the treatment of trauma and anxiety disorders. As an EMDR certified therapist I help my clients process past wounds and adapt to stress in new ways. My spiritual approach has been influenced especially by the writings and practices of St. Francis de Sales, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and St. Teresa of Avila. As a Byzantine Catholic, I have also been influenced by the Eastern Christian emphasis on the person as created in the image of God as well as the concepts of theosis (inner transformation into the likeness of God) and hesychasm (stillness before God). On a lighter note, I’m a lifetime science fiction/fantasy geek who enjoys old comic books and movies. I also love biking and hiking. I’ve been married 27 years and have three grown children.

Dr. Henry Russell and Francesca Russell

Dr. Henry Russell is Headmaster of the St. Augustine’s Classical Catholic Homeschool Enrichment Program founded with his wife Crystal. The program began in Fall 2005 with 20 students in two living rooms and now tutors more than 140 students at three locations. It is the original and most authentic Catholic Classical Liberal Arts Program in Michigan.

A graduate of Princeton and South Caroline (MA), Dr. Russell completed his graduate work at Louisiana State University.

Formerly the Chairman of Ave Maria College’s Department of Literature, he has also been an instructor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary and a  professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville and Wake Forest University. He is a founding faculty member of the St. Robert Southwell Creative Writing Workshop held in Mahwah, New Jersey.

He teaches online courses for Homeschool Connections and for TAN Academy; he has been a teacher for the Miles Christi novices for many years.
Dr. Russell’s works include The Catholic Shakespeare Audio Series ). He was the Associate Editor of The Formalist from 1990-2004 and his writings have been published in various journals. He was honored to edit Dr. Alice von Hildebrand’s groundbreaking volumes, The Privilege of Being a Woman and Man and Woman: A Divine Invention.

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