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November 29, 2020: Epiphany

Happy Advent! Vanessa delves into a variety of topics that can help us keep our eyes fixed on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and keep us informed about all that is happening in our area. Canon Michael Stein provides information about restoration projects for one of God’s Fortresses of Faith: St. Joseph Shrine in Detroit. Fr. Tim McCabe from Pope Francis talks about their winter plans and what we can do to help. Michelle Kazanjian tells us we can all LiveFree! Rose Bradley helped other become inspired to give. Tom Hornacek gives a simple suggestion to combat the dark thoughts: ‘Thank you Jesus!’.

Canon Michael Stein

Pastor, St. Joseph Shrine

Fr. Tim McCabe

Executive Director, Pope Francis Center

Michelle Kazanjian

Director, Pastoral Ministry

Michelle Kazanjian has attended St. Thomas since she came to Ann Arbor as a student in 1981. She serves half-time as Director of Pastoral Ministry, working closely with our Director of Discipleship to create and oversee initiatives that foster healing, growth, and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Her definition of “ministry” is “Loving the whole person into wholeness so that he might love God wholly.”

Rose Bradley

Tom Hornacek

Community Outreach Director, Ave Maria Radio

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