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Epiphany – November 27, 2021

‘To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb/ be blessing and honor, glory and might,/ forever and ever’ Rv 5:13

Fr. David Preuss invites families to the Solanus Casey Center for a special blessing. Fr. Manuel Boji recently retired from the priesthood and shares his story. Dr. Haywood Robinson encourages people to unite in prayer for the two-day prayer campaign.

Fr. David Preuss

Fr. David Preuss, OFM Cap. is the director of the Solanus Casey Center, and currently serves on the Provincial Council of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph. A native of Detroit, Fr. Preuss was pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Detroit from 1987-2008 and served as a central city pastor in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 2006-2016.

Fr. Manuel Boji

  • Born in Telkaif- Iraq on August 1, 1946
  • Ordained priest on June 2, 1968
  • Served as a priest in Telkaif from 1968- 1987
  • Came to United States of America on 1987 where he served in some of the parishes of the St. Thomas the Apostle Chaldean Diocese 1987- 1990
  • On May 1990 was assigned as the Rector of the Chaldean Cathedral at Mother of God Church) till August 2010
  • On 2010 he was assigned as the pastor of the Holy Martyrs Chaldean Catholic Church in Sterling Heights
  • He served as the Vicar general of the Diocese for 20 years
  • Reached the age of clergy retirement on August 1, 2021 

Dr. Haywood Robinson

During his residency, Dr. Robinson received abortion training while on the obstetrics and gynecology service. Discussion regarding the ethics of these procedures or instruction regarding alternatives was not part of the training. Performing abortion requires so little effort, everyone was doing it, and they didn’t seem to have a problem with it, so why should he? His experience provided the opportunity for him to meet a lovely lady by the name of Noreen, who later would become his wife. As their relationship progressed, “moonlighting” together in abortion clinics was commonplace. Money became a mutual motivator, especially since the pay was substantial and it was quite evident how their abortion training could be profitable.

Shortly after marriage and completing their residency programs, Dr. Robinson and his wife, Noreen, came to the saving knowledge of Christ and were soon convicted by God’s word which exposed the living lie they led as hired killers of preborn children. They stopped performing abortions, and are now a voice for the Pro-life movement.

Dr. Robinson is an avid runner and seeks to help people live healthy and active lifestyles. Dr. Robinson is a Brazos Medical Associate Family Medicine doctor in College Station, Texas affiliated with St. Joseph Medical Center. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the California Institute of Technology, followed by a Medical Doctor degree at the University of California at Irvine, and finally a family practice residency at Martin Luther King – Charles R. Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Today, Dr. Robinson and his wife share their testimony nationwide to expose the facts of the abortion industry and to be a voice for the unborn.

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