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Epiphany – November 21, 2021

‘Seek first the kingdom [of God] and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides’ Mt 6:33

Nolan Ostrowski is the carpenter saved by Blessed Solanus Casey. Shawn Carney tells us what to say when. Keri Tarrant talks all things Mary on this special day.

Nolan Ostrowski

Shawn Carney

President and CEO 40 Days for Life

Shawn began as a volunteer in the pro-life movement while still in college. During this time, he helped lead the first ever local 40 Days for Life campaign. After graduating from college, Shawn was asked to serve as the executive director of the Coalition for Life, a local pro-life organization in Texas, made up of more than 60 churches. From its beginning, Shawn has been instrumental in growing 40 Days for Life nationally and then internationally.

Shawn’s experience in local and national pro-life ministry has led him across America, inspiring audiences at pregnancy center events, conferences, fundraising banquets, churches, colleges, and high schools. His passion for helping women and the unborn is contagious. Shawn lives in Texas with his wife and eight children.

Keri Tarrant

Keri is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University with a BA in Education and has taken classes at Ave Maria College; including Latin and Rome studies. Her studies in Mariology have come from personal study and reflection on the Mystery of Mary in the Heart of the Church, and from her years of formation with the Missionaries of Charity. Keri did not finish formation with the MCs due to health issues. As a lay person she now ministers to the people of God by encouraging Marian Consecration for the work of the New Evangelization and by giving talks on Divine Mercy, Our Blessed Mother, and on the spirituality of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St. John Paul II

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