Epiphany – November 7, 2021
‘He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all , how will he not also give us everything else along with him?’ Rom 8:32
John Hannigan shares all the details about the Gold Mass at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Sr. Mary Martha Becnil expounds on her most recent article in Detroit Catholic. Debbie Herbeck talks about her conversion and meeting Saint Teresa of Calcutta.
John Hannigan, Ph.D.

John Hannigan, PhD. I am a member of St. Thomas More Parish in Troy, Michigan, where I serve as Chair of the Evangelization Committee. I have been married to my wife Mary Ann for 39 years and we have three adult children and one grandson. In addition to being a Catholic husband and father, I am called to be a teacher and a scientist. I am a professor at Wayne State University in Detroit where I do research on and teach about drugs and brain development.Â
Sr. Mary Martha Becnel, O.P. Dominican Sister of Mary Mother of the Eucharist

Sr. Mary Martha Becnel grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and entered the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 2010. Since professing religious vows, Sister has taught fifth grade and middle school in Florida, Illinois, and Michigan. She is currently studying towards a masters in systematic theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. She is also a regular contributor to Detroit Catholic’s spirituality column.
Debbie Herbeck

Co-Founder and Executive Director of Be-Love Revolution (part of Renewal Ministries, frequent author and speaker for Blessed is She and a contributing writer for Undone: Freeing your Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame. She has written Safely Through the Storm: 120 Reflections on Hope, Firmly on the Rock: 120 Reflections on Faith, and Love Never Fails: 120 Reflections on Love. She and her husband, Peter, have co-authored ‘When the Spirit Speaks: Touched by God’s Word’.