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Epiphany – October 31, 2021

‘If we have died with him/ we shall also live with him.’ 2 Tm 2:11

Fr. Zaid Chabaan gives clarification All Souls and All Saints days. Teresa Tomeo and Deacon Dom Pastore invite Deacons and their wives to a webinar event. Jeff Styers launches the ‘Faith at Work’ segment and is the epitome of this practice.

Fr. Zaid Chabaan

Associate Pastor, Our Lady of Good Counsel

I grew up in Southfield and moved to Sterling Heights when I was 12 years old. I began attending Mass at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica, which is my home parish. I have wanted to be a priest since the age of 12. I graduated from high school in 2007 and from Oakland University in 2011 with a BA in History with a minor in political science. I worked for 8 years before entering the seminary as a 2nd Assistant Manager at McDonalds, Dietary and Guest Service Department at Troy Beaumont Hospital, and a Refugee Case Worker at Samaritas, formerly Lutheran Social Services of Michigan (LSSM). 

I come from a Middle Eastern background which I am very proud of!  I speak Arabic fluently and my name in Arabic is pronounced like the word “paid”, but with a Z. My father is from Syria and my mom is from Iraq. I love culture, reading, traveling, coffee shops, biking, and most importantly being with people!

Teresa Tomeo and Deacon Dom Pastore

Teresa Tomeo is an author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and motivational speaker with more than 30 years of experience in TV, radio and newspaper, 20 of which were as a secular reporter/anchor in the Detroit market. In the year 2000, Teresa left the secular media to start her own speaking and communications company, Teresa Tomeo Communications, LLC

Her weekday morning radio program, Catholic Connection, is co-produced by Ave Maria Radio in Ann Arbor, Michigan and the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network. It is heard on over 500 Catholic radio stations worldwide and on the Sirius Satellite Network. Teresa appears frequently on the EWTN Global Catholic Television Network, and co-hosts the EWTN television series, The Catholic View for Women. In 2019, she opened her own Italy travel consultation company, T’s Italy, and in 2020 created “T’s Teatime,” providing positive and inspirational blogs and videos to uplift people during difficult times, and encouraging others to spread the message of hope to the culture.

Deacon Dominick Pastore was ordained a deacon in the Archdiocese of Detroit in 2012, Dominick Pastore ministers to couples at retreats, pilgrimages, conferences. He serves as a deacon at St. Isaac Jogues church in suburban Detroit. Pastore has a master’s degree in pastoral studies from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. He is vice president and senior electrical engineer for SmithGroupJJR in Detroit, where he’s been employed since 1980. Pastore is a knight in the Order of Malta, and member of the board of Mary’s Mantle, a Catholic home for pregnant and unwed mothers. He and his wife lead pilgrimages to Rome and other parts of Italy for married couples

Jeff Styers

 Founder and CEO of Arrow Strategies.

With over 25 years of experience in the Staffing Solutions industry, Jeff has extensive experience in all facets of business including Leadership, Talent Acquisition, Sales, and Operations.

Jeff’s experience and expertise is centered around leadership strategies, performance execution, and unique go-to-market business strategies including the Agents For Life ™ Program, Proactive Select Recruiting methodology, and Culture Innovation all of which has earned Arrow Strategies many formal accolades including Inc. Magazine’s Fastest Growing Companies for nine (9) consecutive years and one of the Best and Brightest Companies to Work For thirteen (13) consecutive years.

Aside from leading the vision and strategy at Arrow Strategies, Jeff is a Governor Appointee as the Chairman of the Unarmed Combat Commission (UCC) leading an eleven-member commission that regulates and oversees professional boxing and mixed-martial arts (MMA) in Michigan which works in conjunction with the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.

Jeff is also very involved in numerous charities including The Capuchin Soup Kitchen, The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund, Norwayne Boxing Gym for at-risk youth, Champions of Wayne, and Arrow Strategies own 501c3 non-profit – Arrow Cares.

When not working, Jeff enjoys his passion for the outdoors, golf, boxing and spending as much time as he can with his wife Lisa, daughter Leah, and yellow lab Howard. Jeff is also a former United States Marine and undefeated professional boxer.

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