Epiphany – September 26, 2021
‘Store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal’ Mt 6:20
Sr. Mary Bernadette and Sr. Maria Immaculata share their vocation stories and more! Dr. Mary Healy recaps the message for the 25th Anniversary Big Tent Revival
Sr. Mary Bernadette Setto

Sr. Mary Bernadette has been in the convent for 4 years. She entered when she was 25 years old, She is currently 29. Sr. Mary Bernadette had a radical conversion in 2015 from a life of partying and doing much drinking and drugs. She always felt attracted to Jesus when she was a young girl and wanted to become a nun, but when she became a teenager the pleasures of the world got a hold of her. She turned away from her faith and tried to grasp for her own happiness without God. She became a slave to sin and hit rock bottom in her life and had a serious drinking problem. God had other plans for her life. Sr. Mary Bernadette’s dad one day called Fr Patrick Setto, who was only a seminarian at the time to take her on a pilgrimage. This pilgrimage rocked her with so much grace that she started to discern her vocation. Sr. Mary Bernadette started to slowly detach from a sinful lifestyle to a graced filled one. The Eucharist and confession were the two main weapons that she fought with that helped her convert, discern, and enter the convent within the matter of 2 years. Saying YES to God has transformed her life in ways she could not imagine. Sr. Mary Bernadette is still in awe that He has chosen a wretched sinner like herself to become His bride. This journey that she is on with God has been crazy beautiful and the story still continues!
Sr. Maria Immaculata Kassab

Sr. Maria Immaculata is the daughter of the late Sami Kassab and Vinolia Kassab. She is the youngest of five. She has been in the convent for about three and a half years; she entered on Valentine’s Day 2018. Sr. Maria Immaculata entered after several years of discernment and many people seeing her vocation before she did. She is not one of those sisters that she knew from a very young age that she wanted to be a nun. Sr. Maria Immaculata was actually 30 years old when she initially realized she was being called to Religious Life. God has blessed her in so many ways throughout her discernment and one of those blessings came in the form of support from family and friends. Saying yes! to the Lord has brought her so much peace and joy; just being loved the way he loves her as his bride is a feeling that cannot be put into words! This is quite a journey he’s called her to and she knows she would not be able to do it without God’s grace and the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph guiding her through it.
Dr. Mary Healy

Professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. She’s the general editor of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture and is the author of two of its volumes: the Gospel of Mark and the Letter to the Hebrews. She is also the author of Men and Women are from Eden: A Study Guide to John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and serves on the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. She was appointed by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Biblical Commission.