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Epiphany – September 25, 2021

‘I but forth delights like the vine,/ my blossoms become fruit fair and rich’ Sir 24:17

Patty Breen  gives ways to love your neighbor as yourself and talks about ways to communicate with love on social media. Mary Kominsky talks about Social Media and Teens and College Students and her work with college students on a college campus. Sandie Weathers Campaign Director 40 Days for Life Ann Arbor invites us the the 2nd of 7 laps of the Jericho March and gives all the information for the upcoming events during these very important 40 days.

Patty Breen

Patty Breen has been working in lay ministry for over a decade and writes online for different Catholic websites, such as Blessed is She and Catholic Match. Currently, she works as a Pastoral Associate in the Archdiocese of Detroit. She is passionate about the deep and sometimes messy conversations at the intersection of faith, culture, and ministry.

Mary Kominsky

Mary Kominsky is a part of the Pastoral team for the Newman Catholic Center, the Catholic Parish “on campus” serving the students at Montclair State University, the second largest state university in New Jersey. She serves with Fr. Jim Chern, Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry for the Archdiocese of Newark and FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students).  The Newman Catholic Center is one of 7 Catholic Campus Ministry sites serving the NJ State Universities under the Archdiocese of Newark. The mission of the Newman Catholic Campus Ministry is to help students grow in their faith through spiritual, social and community outreach programs. We do this through helping each other deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Newman Catholic Campus Ministry was established at Montclair State University in 1950.

Mary is a member of the “Silent No More Awareness Campaign” where women and men give their testimonies regarding abortion and its devastation, sponsored by Priests for Life. She has also been part of Rachel’s Vineyard, a post abortion healing ministry developed by Dr. Theresa Burke, and has served on retreat teams in the Archdiocese of Newark and Staten Island, New York. Mary has given her witness and pro-life message to many parishes, schools, youth groups, college campuses, the annual Student’s For Life Conference and on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington DC.  She has also appeared on EWTN’s “Life on the Rock”,Defending Life “and the EWTN special, “A Door to Hope”. She is currently one of the new hosts for season 13 of The Catholic View for Women on EWTN


Sandie Weathers

Campaign Director, Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life 365

Sandie Weathers is beginning her 8th year as the campaign director for Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life. She is also a director for Pro-life Action Network Inc which is a not-for-profit organization headquartered out of Washtenaw County, which maintains a vehicle parked outside of Planned Parenthood at 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor throughout the entire year. Sandie and her husband Mike recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They have 3 children, 13 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter.

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