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Epiphany – August 29, 2021

Be doers of the word.

Richard Thompson talks about civil liberties and the vaccine mandates. Sean Nolan explains the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan Info Nights. Patrick Cassady talks about Sacred Heart Major Seminary and the diversity in students.

Richard Thompson

President, Co-Founder, and Chief Counsel Thomas More Law Firm

Sean Nolan

Instructor & West Michigan Regional Coordinator Catholic Biblical School of Michigan

Hailing from Grand Rapids, MI, Sean Nolan serves as the West Michigan Regional Coordinator for CBSM as well as an instructor for Years A & B. His personal motivation as a CBS teacher is to inspire in others the motivation, knowledge and commitment to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Patrick Cassady

Director of Admission & Enrollment Managment, Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Patrick comes to the Seminary from Oakland University where he served for 7 years in various roles, most recently as a Senior Recruitment Adviser in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. He earned his Bachelor Degrees in History and Political Science in 2013 and his Masters in Higher Education Leadership in 2016 from Oakland University. He and his wife, Aliena met at Oakland University and were married at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in September of 2016. They are expecting their first child in April 2021! Currently parishioners of Holy Family in Grand Blanc, Patrick and Ali have been residents of Holly for the past 3 years. Patrick is an avid runner and is also a hockey official in the greater southeast Michigan region. He looks forward to serving the commuter students attending the Seminary as well as prospective students who are discerning studies and formation.

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