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Epiphany – July 24, 2021

‘His mother kept all these things in her heart’ Lk 2:51

Happy Feast of St. Charbel Marklouf. Fr. Joseph Khalil shares his knowledge of this Saint and gives important information about Lebanon. Fr. Stephen Pullis penned an article honoring Archbishop Vigneron. Colleen Vermuelen explains what is coming up at Catholic Biblical School of Michigan.

Fr. Joseph Khalil

Maronite Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary

To help Lebanon. Please send a check to:

BVM Fund Lebanon, 4405 Earhart Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Fr. Stephen Pullis

Full-time faculty and external formation position at Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Colleen Vermuelen

Director and Instructor at the Catholic Biblical School of Michigan

Colleen Vermeulen joined CBSM in 2016 as an instructor in Year B and proceeded to become the Director in 2018. Her personal motivation for teaching is to connect people to the Scriptures so that they can listen and respond to God’s Word. When people encounter God in the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit takes care of the rest! Colleen seeks to help her students dig into the real life history of the New Testament in order to ground their faith and give them credibility when sharing the Bible with others.

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