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Epiphany – May 23, 2021

‘And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a might wind, and it filled the house where they were sitting’ Acts 2:2

Happy Pentecost! We have Bishop Robert Gruss opening today’s program to talk about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. Marcus Peter opens up the book of Acts and tells us where else we can find the Holy Spirit in Scripture. Fr. Jim Lowe a Companion of the Cross share how the Holy Spirit moved in his life.

Bishop Robert Gruss

Bishop Robert Dwayne Gruss, Diocese of Saginaw

Marcus Peter

President and Director of BiblicalTheology with the St. Peter Institute for Scripture and Evangelization. He is also teaches Theology at Father Gabriel Richard High School.

Fr. Jim Lowe

Administrator of St. Scholastica in Detroit

Ordained to the priesthood on June 11, 2011. My first assignment was at our founding Parish, St. Mary’s in Ottawa, Ontario.  I was there for one year.  The next two years were spent our parish in Houston, Texas.  I was sent there because of my Spanish speaking skills.  The next three years were spent in Detroit at Chaplain of the Wayne State Newman Catholic Center.  I then spent one year as the Director of Vocations and Admissions for the Companions of the Cross.  I am currently the Administrator of St. Scholastica in Detroit.  I have also been Archbishop Vigneron’s liaison to the Detroit Catholic Charismatic Renewal for the past 4 years.

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