Epiphany – May 16, 2021
‘The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation’ Ps 118:14
Be amazed as you listen story of the miracle healing Katherine Leslie received. Be filled up with love for our Lord as Fr. Patrick Gonyeau reminds us of the promises our Lord has made that we might overlook. Be informed as Teresa Tomeo analyzes and unpacks the encyclical letter ‘Come and See’.
Katherine Leslie
Katherine Leslie, radio news anchor and reporter WJR 760 am for nearly 20 years. Most recently a traffic reporter for WWJ 950am. Former realtor. Cradle catholic, wife and mom of 15 year old Blaise and 12 year old Kennedy.
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau
Administrator Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Detroit & Associate Instructor with Encounter Ministries
Fr. Patrick Gonyeau is a priest from Detroit who is on fire. After four years of priesthood, he experienced a breakthrough surge of stunning healings in ministry that changed his life, convincing him that Jesus loves to give his disciples power to share the gospel and power to heal (Mark 16:18). He carries an infectious joy, inspiring faith, a passion for healing and a unique grace to equip and activate believers into the healing ministry of Jesus.
Teresa Tomeo
Teresa Tomeo is a bestselling author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and speaker with more than thirty years of experience in print and broadcast media. Her weekday radio program, Catholic Connection, a co-production of Ave Maria Radio and EWTN, the global Catholic radio network, is heard daily on over 500 stations worldwide, and Sirius XM Satellite Radio. Her TV show, The Catholic View for Women, is seen twice weekly on EWTN.