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Epiphany – January 30, 2021

‘He who fears the Lord will not be timid, nor play the coward, for he is his hope’ Sirach 34:14

Andrew Campanella President of National School Choice Week talks about the enrollment increases, gives advice to parents to help with choosing a school, and his book. Fr. David Rosenburg tells us that the St. Francis Retreat Center is hosting retreats and listen to his inspiring epiphany moments. Be prepared for spiritual battle with the beautiful wooden weaponry made by Jonathan Conrad. Michelle Bryk provides the background to the Secular Franciscan Order. Fr. Brian Meldrum explains the beauty of the Liturgy of the Hours and encourages open our bibles to book of Psalms.

Andrew Campanella

Andrew Campanella has served as president of National School Choice Week since 2012. An enthusiastic advocate for educational opportunity, Andrew has led National School Choice Week (NSCW) during a time of remarkable growth. From 150 events in 2011 to more than 50,000 in 2020, NSCW has quickly become the world’s largest education related public awareness effort.

Andrew is also the author of The School Choice Roadmap: 7 Steps to Finding the Right School for Your Child, which offers practical advice to parents in navigating the process of exploring their options and choosing the best fit for their families.

Before joining the NSCW team, Andrew worked in senior level positions at two national non-profit organizations focused on K-12 education. In these roles, Andrew worked to help enroll students in school choice programs, and to recruit new teachers for public schools.

Andrew grew up in southern New Jersey and attended traditional public schools from grades K-12.  He graduated from American University in Washington, D.C. and currently lives in Miami, Florida.

Fr. David Rosenburg

Director, St. Francis Retreat Center

Father David Rosenberg, formerly pastor of The Catholic Community of St Mary and St Ann in Charlotte, Michigan, has been appointed by Bishop Boyea as the new director of the St Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, after the passing of Father Larry Delaney in June. The appointment is effective August 17, 2015. Father David was born and raised in Galesburg, Illinois, graduating from Siena Heights University in Adrian, MI.  He attended Pope Saint John XXIII Seminary in Weston, MA. He was ordained a deacon for the Diocese of Lansing by Bishop Carl F Mengeling in 2005.  He was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Boyea in 2011. Prior to serving as Pastor of St Mary and St Ann Parishes, he was Associate Pastor at St Andrew Parish, Saline..

Jonathan Conrad

I’m Jonathan Conrad, the Catholic Woodworker. I grew up Catholic, and when I wasn’t at church I was building things with my dad, my grandfather, or just me. I’m married to my high-school sweetheart, Carey, and we’ve been blessed with three boys. I always thought it was my job to teach them how to be a man, but I think I learn more from them than they do from me. It wasn’t until we had kids that I realized how much I needed daily prayer, the rosary, and especially the sacraments. This zeal for daily prayer and the rosary is the inspiration behind the handmade wooden rosaries I create, our in-home altar sets, and all the devotional items we offer.

Michelle Bryk, OFS

Michelle is from Grand Rapids and is a member of St. Thomas the Apostle parish.  She has been a professed member of the Secular Franciscan Order for 20 years. She is a member of Our Mother of Sorrows Fraternity in Grand Rapids, MI. She is privileged to serve as the Formation Director for the Secular Franciscans in the Divine Mercy Region (lower Michigan and Toledo). The Secular Franciscans are an association of men and women—married and single—who live and work in the world. Founded by St. Francis of Assisi, members follow a way of life that is faithful to the original Rule and make promises to live in the way of St. Francis. Admission to the order is open to men and women, single or married, those not already members of another order, and at least 18 years of age.

Fr. Brian Meldrum

Fr. Brian Meldrum was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit in 2015. Before entering seminary and ordination, he studied music education and directed community and high school theatre programs in the Detroit area. He is currently assigned to graduate studies in Sacred Scripture at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC where he is studying the historical books of the Old Testament.

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