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January 16, 2021: Epiphany

Be informed and inspired by today’s Epiphany program. Dr. Mike Giles unpacks the Constitution and Catholicism during an in depth conversation with Vanessa. The Mustard Seed Shelter and it’s history is explained by Amy Bartels Roe. Staying close to Jesus is one of the messages given by Deacon Mike Martin. Kevin Kijewski provides loads of information about the AOD Catholic Schools and more.

Dr. Mike Giles

Dr. Michael Giles serves as a postdoctoral fellow and research director in the Constitutionalism and Rule of Law lab at the University of Notre Dame (what a mouthful!!). Mike’s scholarship focuses on the relationship between faith and politics in the history of political thought. His recently defended dissertation, now a book monograph, explores the contributions of St. Augustine of Hippo to our understanding of the potential and limits of political life. His work also explores the unique posture of modern politics toward religious faith, a complex and important topic for religious believers today. 

Amy Bartels Roe

Amy Bartels Roe, Executive Director, The Mustard Seed Shelter, 1325 Cherry St., Saginaw 48601

Amy began volunteering with Mustard Seed Shelter from its very beginning in 1995. At that time, she was in college and working part-time as a youth minister. Amy has a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology, with a minor in social work.

Following college, Amy’s role as volunteer changed (from painting walls, pulling up carpet, cooking and soon) to training our volunteers in a strength-based approach to work with the guests we serve. Prior to becoming the Executive Director in 2014, Amy worked as a social worker for Boysville and then Lutheran Child and Family Service for 12 years. She also served as pastoral minister at a local church. Many community outreach programs Amy began are still in existence today. She has similarly planted and cultivated many “seeds” for Mustard Seed Shelter and has helped widen and strengthen the organization’s base of support to prepare for future growth.

Deacon Mark Martin

I am a seminarian for the Diocese of Lansing.  I am entering my fourth and final year of theology studies.  I am twenty seven years old, and was born in Adrian, Michigan.  After some moving around, my family eventually settled in North Adams, Michigan, where I would graduate from high school in 2010.  During my junior year of high school I converted to Catholicism from Mormonism.  After high school graduation, I attended Oakland University, in Rochester, Michigan.  I graduated from Oakland University in December of 2014 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry.  After being in a parish for about six months, I entered seminary in September of 2015, starting the pre-theology program at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.  The Lord has been very good to me in my time in the seminary, and has poured innumerable blessings on me, for which I will always be grateful.

Kevin Kijewski

Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Detroit


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