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Chuck Gaidica's Resources

The Healing Power of Nature

Spring arrives this month and many can’t wait for the weather to catch up. We look forward to more blue sky and the blooming of new life. Like King David in the Psalms, we can be filled with awe and wonder as to how God created the beauty and colors of creation. So, get out in nature more, this is a great prescription for better health. Some effects are profound.

Just a DASH of Salt

February is American Heart Month.Want to reduce hypertension or high blood pressure, follow the DASH diet. According to my alma mater, Mayo Clinic, the DASH diet is a great way to reduce sodium and improve our health.

Stayin’ Alive

We are in American Heart Month. According to the CDC, someone in the U.S. has a heart attack every 40-seconds. Many of us think of heart attacks as an “older person” problem. But heart attacks are on the rise among young adults and many are not aware of the risk factors. According to a survey of 2000 Americans from the Wexner Medical Center, nearly half of those under age 45 believed they were not at risk of a heart attack.

Take Care of Your Temple

I’m Chuck Gaidica this is Journey Strong a new health and wellness segment from Ave Maria radio. February is American Heart Month. According to the CDC, stroke and heart disease, the number one cause of death in America, are increasing in working adults.