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Catholic Connection – Dec 22, 2023 – Hr 2

EWTN’s Doug Keck joins us with news of special programming on the network. Teresa recommends four books for you. Stephanie Gray Connors talks about her new book, “My Body For You.”




Segment 1 – Intro w/Fr. John recording
We listen to a special message from Fr. John Riccardo.  You can hear it in its entirety here


Segment 2 – The Inside Word @ EWTN
Doug Keck is EWTN’s President and Chief Operating Officer. He joins us to share the latest news regarding EWTN’s TV and radio programming.

Doug Keck
President & COO, EWTN


Visit the website for EWTN


Segment 4 – My Body for You: A Pro-Life Message for a Post-Roe World
My Body For You by accomplished pro-life debater and activist Stephanie Gray Connors injects new focus and purpose in the pro-life movement. Diving deeply into common pro-abortion arguments, Connors challenges every reader to see them through the lens of who we are, what we are made for, and why living out Christ’s words—“This is my body, given for you.”—is the secret path to victory for life.”

Stephanie Gray Connors is an author and speaker who has presented on pro-life topics around the world. She has formally debated abortion advocates, including Princeton philosophy professor Peter Singer and late-term abortionist Dr. Fraser Fellows. She has lectured at Google headquarters for the series “Talks at Google” and has written books on in vitro fertilization, abortion, and assisted suicide.









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