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Catholic Connection – December 18, 2020 – Hour 1

Teresa talks about the impact consuming large amounts of negative news can have on your peace. Dick Thompson – Renowned Epidemiologist Aids St. Michael Academy’s Challenge of Michigan’s Lockdown as Thomas More Law Center Files Suit.

Segment 1 – Intro and News

Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Cents

Teresa talks about the impact consuming large amounts of negative news can have on your peace.

Segment 3 – Renowned Epidemiologist Aids St. Michael Academy’s Challenge of Michigan’s Lockdown as Thomas More Law Center Files Suit

St. Michael Academy, a small private independent Catholic high school located in Petoskey, Michigan has a total of 30 high school students. St. Michael is challenging Michigan’s current MDHHS order which has shut down in-person instruction at high schools across the state on the bogus claim that it is “following the science.” Citing to the recent Roman Catholic Diocese opinion by the U.S. Supreme Court that observes, “even in a pandemic the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten,” the Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”), a nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, filed a lawsuit on behalf of St. Michael late Friday in the federal district court for the Western District of Michigan.

Dick Thompson is President and Chief Counsel with the Thomas More Law Center.

Renowned Epidemiologist Aids St. Michael Academy’s Challenge of Michigan’s Lockdown as Thomas More Law Center Files Suit

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