Catholic Connection – December 10, 2020 – Hour 1
Kelly Wahlquist with Women in the New Evangelization. Msgr. Todd Lajiness and Fr. Stephen Burr talk about their new roles in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Segment 1 – Intro and News
Segment 2 – Women In the New Evangelization
Kelly Wahlquist talks about her group WINE and recent and upcoming appearances on EWTN TV.

Kelly Wahlquist
Founder , Women In the New Evangelization (WINE)
Women In the New Evangelization (WINE)
Segment 3 – Msgr. Lajiness accepts Family of Parishes assignment; Fr. Burr named new Rector and President of Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Msgr. Todd Lajiness is the current Rector and President of Sacred Heart Major Seminary. He has recently accepted Archbishop Vigneron’s request to make himself available for assignment to a Family of Parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit

Father Stephen Burr, current Vice-Rector and Dean of Seminarian Formation, has been appointed to serve as the Rector and President of Sacred Heart Major Seminary effective July 1, 2021.
Website for Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Archdiocese announces 51 ‘family of parishes’ groupings; half to begin in 2021